Sunday, May 03, 2009

Food, Friends, Guacamole and Pescuezitos


Jaime and Ramiro of La Casita will be coming out on Univision's Despierta America at around 8AM tomorrow, in honor of Cinco De Mayo, they will be showcasing their juked up version of Guacamole with copious amounts of Tequila and Salt.

As part of the 'Casita Crew', me and Hal had to back up these guys of course. What better way to back friends up than becoming ravid groupies in the crowd!


The shoot dragged on for half the day, felt longer in front of the San Gabriel Mission, but in the end, it just made the post-shoot dinner taste even more amazing...


Pescuezitos! (fried chicken necks), the ultimate post-shoot dinner!

Been wanting to cover this for a while now. Only a handful of proud, few Loncheras(taco trucks) are the purveyors of this fine fried specimen. Literally, just fried chicken necks with deftly executed spicing. Now, chicken necks are interesting in themselves, if all else fails, a chicken neck will quell the most poultry-intensive of hankerings. Lost the battle with drumsticks somewhere in time, but tastewise, puts breasts, legs, wings to crying shame. The chicken neck goes with the same physics of eating a drumstick, gnawing away, away and away until bare bone is left, but, it is univerally known that...Skin, is where it's at. And with about a 70/30 skin-to-meat ratio and more needed to get full, by rules of food-waste, skin is not only a commodity, but practically the meal in itself, thus chicken euphoria!

I'm not gonna lie, the thing that makes these so toothsome is the KFC-like greasy-ness, which thanks to recent trends, has had a negative connotation. But deep down, we all know that this is the stuff that dreams are made of.

Left to cook for several minutes for optimum fat-on-fat flavor rendering.


Now for the fine purveyors:


Stationed on E. 1st and Dickerson in East L.A, here all day, every day 'till about Midnight.

Honoring the majority of us with insatiable sweet tooth's, it was off to dessert-a-paloooza at La Monarca Bakery (post on that coming soon).

Awh, a splendid Sunday afternoon indeed.


sdfafsadf said...

How Fun!!! I'm going to try to catch it tomorrow morning. Thanks for the tip!

Exile Kiss said...

Hi Teenage Glutster,

Sweet! :) I don't know how I missed this post. Do you know if this truck is still there 7 days a week until midnight?

And how does it compare with Kentucky Fried Buche? :) Thanks.