Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Surviving the Buenos Aires Beef-Fest

After grazing around endlessly, anxiously for the last 2 months, feeling like I was just 'wasting my youth', I decided to finally "take advantage of 'still being young' and 'seeing the rest of the world'" (like so many have urged me to do before)

And since my brother has been residing in Buenos Aires, Argentina, (not to mention the whole 'backpacking Europe' thing being so stale), I decided to seize the opportunity.

Boy, am i so glad I did...

My fragile, little mind was becoming brainwashed by everything I had been fearfully reading lately: Omnivore's Dilemma, Fast Food Nation and countless different kinds of RAW food propaganda. And I had been agonizingly giving in--"eating food, mostly plants, not too much"(Pollan), trying to eat completely RAW (don't know why or how I did that) & cut white sugar and flour from my diet--I was becoming into my worst nightmare, some sort of health-food fascist.

Then I came to Buenos Aires and ate...


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and everything else in between:


this was every single day, twice a day

...everything that has been madly preached to avoid (at least in the states) to not to ingest.

And I feel just fine...

It's absolutely mind-boggling to see just how different stuff is compared is to the "jjan-kie" united states. (yankies is what they call americans overthere)

I'm still trying to adjust to not starting to party until 3AM 'till sunrise, EVERYDAY!

(if anyone wants the specifics on any of the pictures, please let me know)


H. C. said...

Welcome back and great to see that your first picture post is full of fantastic food photos.

In my opinion, I think Americans in general have a very misconstrued, unbalanced view towards food -- with some people on one hand eating everything unhealthy, refined and fattening in sight and others just a hair shy of absolutely abhorring all things sensually good about food. Most other cultures seem to have a much healthier approach to eating -- not only are foods generally more healthful and balanced, but they are pleasurable too and people take the time to eat and savor every bite (and no, not off the dashboard).

bad-dog said...

Hi there. Stumbled upon your blog site while looking for some info on tlayudas!
Can't believe how mature your approach to food & life are. WOW!
I'll be visiting again. For sure.

Anonymous said...

Back when I was a young teenage glutster myself I spent a little time in Buenos Aires, long before I was a vegetarian. The one experience I remember most clearly is the night my family took me to a restaurant where there were whole sides of dead cattle hanging from hooks right above the tables so that you could choose your own carcass to eat from. I ate so much beef that evening that I ended up spending the rest of the night puking my guts out. I seriously think I had some sort of acute beef intoxication. Remember The Simpsons episode where Homer takes the "Sirloin A Lot" challenge to try and eat a giant 16 pound steak? Well, Homer had nothing on me that night.

Come to think of it, I think that upon returning home from that trip was right around the first time I decided to go vegetarian.

Anonymous said...

coming from argentina, meat is one of the most "important" things to us. if you vegetarian, is like a sin. barbeque after barbeque, you could never get enough. though i havent been there in like 10 years, lookin back at those photos you posted make me want to go back for more.

i bet you had a great time!

And like i told you last time i saw you on the bus, the parties keep going and going... up till 6 in the morning..

ahh...good times!

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