Thursday, March 19, 2009

Current Economy Student Foodieness: Packed Lunches and Snackage (Babaganoush, Pomegranate and Mint Sandwich)


This is what happens when you are a student foodie.

"Looking forward to my next meal and reminiscing in my past" is pretty much my way of life. Being at school for long periods of time (from 12PM to 10; at least 2 meal times!), my school lunch, snacks, drinks is something that I think through tirelessly.

The practice is pretty much an effort of making due with whatever I had rummaged in the week: Trader Joes, Fresh & Easy, Farmer's Markets, Shun Fat and the occasional enlightening trek to a different ethnic market etc. and putting forth my prior food experiences into some sort of semi-quick, semi-portable, concoction.

A long time ago I discovered that a food writer and a cook are two completely different passions, at least I think so. I mean, I cook just about everyday but, I pretty much free-cook just about everything I make/bake, eyeballing and hoping for the best. But, in recent efforts of rounding my skills out, I'm going to start sharpening my recipe writing side of a food writer, after all it is all for the sake of food.

This time around it was this, going with a Middle Eastern and Persian thought. Compensating for pita bread, the WHOLE Multi-Grain store brand loaf at Fresh & Easy was all I had, and it's actually pretty good. Natural ingredient based and pliable, not overly sweet like other market cardboard stuff. And pomegranate season being virtually over, it was my way of appreciating and saying goodbye. Mint was only natural after all this for some sort of green, besides, my mom grows them in little pots around our apartment, so I throw fresh-cut Mint in just about everything.

My quick rendition of the Grand Baba:
1 Large Eggplant OR 2 Small ones (Asian Market sourced Long, Narrow Japanese Eggplants tend to be less bitter)
1 Heaping TBSP of Tahini Sesame Seed Paste (Trader Joe's has a magnificent pre-seasoned, garlicky one)
2 TSP. Cumin, toasted (optional)
1 clove of garlic (optional; depending if you plan to finally ask that cute girl you've been eyeing)

1. Set oven to 375 degrees
2. Place eggplant on any pan (cover with Aluminum paper if you're lazy) and place in Oven
3. Let roast for about 45-55 minutes, rotate that bad boy 25 minutes in for even roasting.
4. Place garlic clove in oven for last 15 minutes
5. Take them both out, and let cool (place in refrigerator, even freezer if you can't wait that long, just don't forget!)
6. Once cool, try your best to chop them up, don't worry, it's all going to get mashed.
7. Place in food processor with Tahini, cumin and a forceful squeeze of lemon and whip it good. (if no food processor, go old school, use a couple of forks and let your hunger out on them)

I finish this in one serving but I suppose, it 'serves 2'.

This stuff is versatile and down for anything, oregano-marinated lamb would be good, if you have money for the luxury of good meat nowadays.


Anonymous said...

javier, this sammich sounds amazing. i commend u for being so resourceful and creating these brilliant and delicious foods! seriously, u've proven theres no excuse for people saying they're too broke to eat good food.

Anonymous said...

oh and i forgot to mention +9389384 points for also making it healthy! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing a new dish for Break fast!
I Buy Barbeques